Welcome to my page! I'm a computational scientist at ValtedSeq. Please make yourself at home and do look around.

About Me

I am a computational scientist at ValtedSeq where I apply computational and statistical methods to single-cell RNA-seq data in order to discover new immunotherapies for challenging neurodegenerative diseases.


I received my Ph.D. in from the Georgia Tech in 2021. In my academic life, I researched and developed new computational and statistical methods for processing, interpreting and understanding the large and heterogeneous biomedical datasets focussed on Malaria and other infectious diseases. I applied and developed novel Bioinformatics and Machine Learning driven solutions for various biological questions in order to address outstanding questions in cell biology, human health, and disease. I did my MS from Georgia Tech in Bioinformatics and my Bachelors from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in Biological Sciences and Bioengineering. I have worked with esteemed groups at Roche, Philips Healthcare, CDC and ABiL to use quantitative data and ML driven approaches to solve various biological problems.


  1. Dynamic Control Balancing Cell Proliferation and Inflammation is Crucial for an Effective Immune Response to Malaria.
    Gupta, A., Galinski MR, Voit EO.
    Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2022

  2. Dramatic Transcriptomic Differences in Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis with Plasmodium knowlesi Infections.
    Gupta, A., Styczynski MP, the MaHPIC consortium, Galinski MR, Voit EO, Fonseca LL.
    Nature Scientific Reports 2021

  3. stringMLST: a fast k-mer based tool for multilocus sequence typing.
    Gupta, A., King Jordan, Lavanya Rishishwar.
    Bioinformatics 2017 (Citations: 50)

  4. Metabolic Modeling Helps Interpret Transcriptomic changes during a Complex Disease.
    Gupta, A., Tang Y, Garimalla S, the MaHPIC consortium, Galinski MR, Styczynski MP, Fonseca LL, Voit EO. Elsevier/BBA molecular basis of disease 2018

  5. The Three-Legged Stool of Understanding Metabolism: Integrating Metabolomics with Biochemical Genetics and Computational Modeling.
    Downs DM, Bazurto JV, Gupta A, Fonseca LL, Voit EO. AIMS microbiology 2018


  1. Model-based inferences of disease-related phenotypical alterations from changes in gene expression
    Gupta, A., Fonseca LL, Voit EO.
    Paper presented at ICMSB 2017, Raitenhaslach, Germany

Select Projects

Click to view Resume

Activities & Interests

I am an amateur car mechanic and hot rod enthusiast. I also enjoy trading and use my ML knowledge to create customised trading strategies. Additionally, I love swimming, skating, playing squash, traveling, going to beer fests, cooking, enjoying outdoor activities and dissecting gadgets. These days I have been playing with cryptocurrency as well.

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ag.anuj1991 [at] gmail [dot] com


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50 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332